Friday, September 17, 2004

strangers reading my blog

This is really my private blog, and I have weird mixed feelings about a) people I don't know reading it and b) people I do know, but only superficially reading it.

My coworker asked me the other day if he could read my blog. I almost choked—I thought he meant this blog. But, no, he meant my other blog. I don't mind if he reads that one—it's substantially more public.

But this one...this one is where I muse and wonder, expose private thoughts and worries. I'm not sure I'd want him to find it. I'm not sure I want most people reading this blog, except the people I know will be kind and respectful of it.

And that gets to an interesting point: blogs are by nature public. They exist out on the internet where almost anyone can find them with a little search engine moxie. But so many people disclose such private matters on their blogs—how can this not be contradictory? I ran across a blog the other that was started by a man hoping to get over his ex-wife's leaving him. Intensely personal stuff, this.

I don't like to edit myself, and I like having a place where I can broadcast, however quietly, the things I want to say. I guess I would have been much happier if my coworker hadn't asked to read my blog. He wanted to make sure it wasn't full of vitriol about work; it was nice of him to be concerned, but I generally don't bitch much on either of my blogs about real people that might get their feelings hurt. If he'd just started reading it, I wouldn't have to worry about saying things indiscriminately. When I worry, I think it brings the quality down.

So I'm glad he didn't find this one. Whew!
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