Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Today I finished the project that's been the bane of my existence at work for the last two months. It was the course from HELL—not only a subject I have no experience in or knowledge of, but also a pretty poor manuscript. And now it is over. Sure, I'll have to do some revisions when it gets back from copyedit, and possibly further revisions when we've had someone from the department look it over for accuracy, but I don't have to build the damn thing anymore.

This is a very good thing. My boss said he was starting to get worried I'd quit over this course. He doesn't know me very well—I would never have quit, because then the course would have won. (I will be quitting next year, but that's for other reasons, of course.)

At any rate, I am pleased as punch and actually feel a bit of enjoyment in my job again. I'd been getting quite down over that project, dreading coming in and having to deal with it, edit it, code it, slog through unorganized materials to find missing pieces...well, you get the picture.

I take the LSAT on Saturday. I took another practice test last night and I didn't do so well. I think the course had gotten to me—I'd been editing it's awful, muddy prose all day and my reading abilities were not so good. I'm hoping a quick trip to the gym this afternoon and a study session out of my house will remedy that poor performance. I just get way too distracted at home.

My wrist just majorly popped. I'm not sure that's a good thing. I may need to have my physical therapist aunt look at it on Saturday.
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