Friday, July 30, 2004


I watched a bit of the Johnnies farewell-to-Boston rally this morning at the gym. John Edwards is a hell of a speaker. I didn't pay much attention to the sound bites during the primaries since I knew things would likely be decided by the time the Texas primary rolled around. (They were.) So this morning was really the first time I actually listened closely to Edwards—and he knows how to hold a crowd. He didn't even speak for five minutes, but he's got IT, that magical ability to reach out to the whole crowd. Clinton had it (has it, actually—his speech Monday night was remarkable) and it certainly helped him reach the White House twice.

Contrarily, Kerry is just goofy. Has anyone else noticed that, when he claps, he brings his hands together in perfect alignment, like he's praying, rather than in the "crossed-over" fashion most people clap? It's like watching a small child smack his palms together because he knows he's getting his favorite meal. Very odd, and disconcerting, actually.

I admit it, I am worried about the election. Edwards's charisma is great, but he has no experience. And Kerry's experience is great, but he's such a dyed-in-the-wool blueblood. And he's goofy.

Who will counter Bushie's good-old-boy appeal? The one thing that heartens me on the Rep's side is that Cheney is really reviled by a lot of people.
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