Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Does anyone else think it's a bad omen that three people in my office are leaving in the next week and a half? My office mate (see below) is leaving because she broke up with her boyfriend and needs some space and is moving. The last remaining Instructional Designer is leaving because her job has pretty much been coopted by the new organizational structure. And our Director of Marketing is leaving for greener pastures and (likely) a larger paycheck.

So my great new job, which I've had for less than five months, is apparently in a division that no one likes and everyone wants to get the hell away from.

OK, so maybe I'm being a little overdramatic. Still, doesn't it sort of bode ill that so many people are moving on? And they aren't the only ones -- since I've been there, at least two other people have moved on to bigger and better things.

Maybe it's just a symptom of working for the state. Or maybe the place really is cursed. Bad blood has stained that place before. But I'm hoping it's just the result of over-meager paychecks.
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